Spare Parts

partsIn keeping with the MLC brand philosophy, an Original Part is a premium product that lives up to its promise of safety, quality and reliability.

In the event that a particular part is out of stock, it can be ordered and received through consolidated DHL packages within a delivery time of 10 working days.

We hold extensive stocks of spare parts for the equipment models offered. There are over 14,000 line items. When a non stock part is required urgently, a VOR (emergency) order is placed. The part will be air freighted and received into stock within 10 working days.

Spare Parts, Adenta Workshop

Our Adenta Spare Parts shop holds a wide range of spare parts for the various models of vehicles and equipment offered. There are over 3,000 line items at any particular time.

Spare Parts, Tamale

Our Tamale workshop is supplied with spare parts from the Accra and Adenta workshops respectively.

Warranty Services

Any repairs carried out under warranty during the warranty period in our base workshop at Accra will be free for both spare parts and labour. When repairs have to be carried out on the field by the Mobile Field Service team, the labour, spare parts and cost of travelling to the site of the repair will be free of charge to you. The service parts warranty is for a duration of one (1) year.